Man lost seven teeth after push from Colne pub doorman

A doorman caused a man to lose seven teeth and suffer a fractured jaw when he pushed him out of a pub.

Haroon Fazil, 32, was working at the Duke of Lancaster pub in Colne on February 26, 2022, where the victim in the case was a patron.

Witnesses described how the man had been causing a nuisance for some time, stumbling around and bumping into people.

Another witness said they had seen him smash a glass at the bar, and eventually a member of staff called the door staff over to have him removed.

Hanifa Patel, prosecuting at Preston Crown Court, said Fazil and other door staff managed to grab the man by his arms and escort him out, despite him resisting.

When they got to the front entrance, Fazil pushed the man out of the door with both hands, resulting in him falling over face first.

He lost consciousness, was bleeding from his head, and two of his teeth were on the pavement next to him.

A CT scan from the hospital showed the man suffered a fractured jaw. A further tooth was removed and a metal plate was also inserted.

Ms Patel said that, in total, the man had lost seven teeth having been required to have two surgeries – one after his jaw became detached from his skull and one to reduce the scarring around his lips.

A summarised victim statement said the man had suffered from extreme anxiety for many months following the incident meaning that he did not go out or go to work.

Lewis Bocking, defending, said Fazil had expressed “genuine remorse and concern” towards the victim and accepts his actions “were not justified and they caused the entirely avoidable injuries to the victim.”

Judge Ian Unsworth, sentencing, said: “This was a single push, albeit one with which the consequences have been summarised.

“It’s clear the victim did sustain injuries. He has had to undergo two lots of surgery. He’s had significant physical injuries and suffered the trauma any act like this can cause.”

Fazil, of Camden Street, Nelson, pleaded guilty to one count of wounding.

He was sentenced to one year in prison suspended for one year, and ordered to complete 250 hours of unpaid work.

Source – Lancashire Telegraph